Happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope everyone's was as fabulous as ours was!! We were here in town with Mikie's family and had a most scrumptuous dinner! It was great to spend time with the family as well. It is tradition in his family to do the early morning black friday shopping, however this year was a little different! I wasn't up for the crowds and a day of shopping and being on my feet so my fabulous sister-in-laws and my mother in law picked up a couple of things for me!!!!! and I so appreciate it, Thanks girls!!!!!! I have to tell you though that my sister-in-laws get crazier every year! this year they started at Toys-R-Us at Midnight!!! Then it was off to best buy where Niccole waited in line for like 7 hours!!! Debi and I usually meet them about 6 but we didn't this year! I am sure next year I will be right there with them at the crazy hours of the morning! Good times yet to come I'm sure!!!
I went with the girls to Twilight a couple of weekends ago and have to say I was a little disappointed! I knew I would be disappointed in Edward just because the version of him on the screen is nothing close to what I have in my head. I felt like they left out some really important details that make the story, granted I realize it is hard to squeeze it all into a two hour film! I also feel like it is impossible to capture on screen the emotions and different tones you get when reading the books! It wasn't horrible, and Bella was fabulous, I will definantly see the other movies too, and be excited to see how they play them all out on the big screen, but I am definantly a bigger fan of the books!!!!!
Doctors Appointments
So I think I mentioned in my last post that I was on monitoring twice a week from here on out until we have our little Monkey, at first I thought I would enjoy going to the doctor and listening to my little man's heart for 20 to 40 minutes twice a week. I thought it would give me piece of mind and comfort in knowing he was doing okay, sure the driving back and forth bites ass, but all part of the process right? Well, I went back to the doctor on Friday after Thanksgiving and they sent me to the specialists office because my dr. office was closed. All went well, I had zero contractions, babies heart rate was good, my fluid level was completely normal as well as my Blood pressure! Fabulous! I went to my Dr.'s office on Monday and Trystan's heart rate dropped down to 120 which is still technically normal but a little lower than they wanted so I got to go back today! He likes to sleep during the day and while I am at my appointments too so to get him to wake up and have more variability in his heart rate they wake hip up with this thing that vibrates really loud and scares him to death. They did this to him the first time they put me on the monitors, they didn't do it at the specialists office on friday, they zapped him with it yesterday to wake him up, and they zapped him again today! I am not a fan of this I can't comfort him or do anything about it either! I even had orange juice with breakfast, ate lunch and had a coke just before the appointment and he was still sleeping soundly! I don't know what else to do to keep my little one from being zapped all the time! I feel so bad, any suggestions? Everything was cool at my appointment today though his heart rate was very normal and I didn't have any contractions! My blood pressure was a little high at first, but I was kind of stressed about his heart rate and wether or not they were going to zap him again. After I was all done and everything was cool the nurse took my blood pressure again and it was back down to its normal 118/66. I appreciate that they are being overly cautious, but sometimes I think they are overdoing it! I can't wait to just have him here so we can start stressing about other things! Luckily I don't have to go back to the Doctor tomorrow, but I get to go to the Dentist and the Doctor again on Thursday!
The top picture of Mikie and I was taken a couple of weeks ago by a good family friend! I decided I would add one picture on here that had my face! A first in a long time I know, and the other picture is the most recent belly shot! I am 33 weeks and 3 days prego today! That means I am only 3 weeks and 4 days away from technically being full term at which point we could have this baby any time between then and his due date I am hoping for the sooner part rather than the later part!!!! Now that I have complained some more and have updated everyone on the last week I think I am going to go take a nice relaxing bath with a good book! Hopefully next tuesday we will get some good pictures of the little one so I can post those!
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