Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Are you Freaking Kidding Me?

So we have had a fun week at our house. On Friday night mikie and I were doing dishes and I went to put one of our knives away and there was a freakin scorpian crawling on my knife block!!! This is the third one we have found in our house. We found one the night we brought Trystan home from the hospital it was crawling across our kitchen floor. The other one was about a year ago in our spare bathroom. We also have found two in the garage. Now they have always scared me, but I am terrified now that I have a little one who loves to play on the floor!!! I called our bug guys and of coarse scorpians are not something you can actually get rid of, they can try to control them but the little devils don't die easily. I have a couple of black light flashlights on order so we can go scorpian hunting at night, and we have put glass dishes around the posts of Trystan's crib because they can't crawl up glass!! Needless to say my anxiety level is sky high! Trystan is growing so fast and I am enjoying every minute of it. He drives me crazy while he is eating though. He is way to busy to eat so he latches on and off about a thousand times in twenty minutes! We are still fighting the bottle, he absolutely will not take it and screams bloody murder when I try. He has the cutest smile and laughs. He still loves home more than anywhere else. He is totally a mama's boy, but has been having more fun with his daddy. I can't believe he is almost three months old already. The time has flown by. Mikie is working tons of hours and we miss him, but are greatful for the job security. I am looking forward to Annie and Mike coming to visit in a couple of weeks and I know they are counting the days until they get to meet Trystan. As for me I am still trying to figure out how to get stuff done around the house with the little one. I have just come to the realization that my whole house will never be clean all at once for a very long time! Speaking of which the little one is napping so I probably should go get the rest of the house cleaned but here are some fun, and not so fun pictures!!!!



GOod luck with those scorpions! Not a fun thing to deal with.
I love the cute new pics of Trystan, he is growing so fast. I can't wait to play with you guys again. Love ya


Oh I hate creepy crawlies! Especially Scorpions, Good Luck. Love You. Such a sweet handsome baby