I can't believe my little man is two weeks old already! We have had a really tramatizing week this week and its only Tuesday! Yesterday Trystan went to the pediatrician for his circ procedure! Mommy cried, Trystan screamed and I think Daddy even got a little teary! I had never seen this done before and let me tell you I don't care if I ever see it again! He was a trooper but screamed all the way through it, all the way home, and for about 20 minutes once we got him home. Then he passed out for hours. Mikie and I held him all day yesterday. We felt so bad, poor little guy. Then today we took him to get his second PKU test done. It wasn't as bad, Trystan screamed but nothing like yesterday. It just sucks because that test doesn't have to be painful at all, I know I've done a few of them myself and if I do say so myself I am great at it, my babies usually slept through it! The worst part about the whole trip was that this new mommy didn't put a change of clothes in the diaper bag and of coarse as soon as we got to the place Trystan projectile spit up the entire content of his lunch, all over him, the blanket and the car seat! Poor kid just had to hang out in nasty clothes until I could get home to change him!!!! I will never do that again, no matter how fast a trip it is going to be. Trystan 1 Week oldAll Tuckered out after a very Tramatizing day at the Pediatricians office!
Mikie took this picture this morning after he fell asleep in his bouncer! He looked so uncomfortable but moved back to this position every time we tried to reposition him!
Aubs He is such a cutie!!! Yeah, the circumsion thing was not my favorite part with my little guy either, but they did his while I was still in the hospital with him, and Daddy was at home taking care of sister, so I was ALONE!!! I hope mommy-hood is treating you well, it sure sounds like it! We love you guys!! Congrats again!
He is so darn cute, the things they do to our babies is harder on the parents than on them! I can't wait to come see all of you this weekend. Love you tons, Aunt Margene
Wow it sounds like he definatly deserves to be held after such a traumatizing couple of days!! Those are definatly things that I am not looking forward to. I agree with Margene though it is a lot harder on us than on them. Seeing Kinlee playing now I know that she can't remember all the trauma of the PKU and her shots. Not that it makes it any easier for us as parents though!
Congratulation!! He's adorable.
So cute, sorry we didn't make it down last weekend. I really want to see the little guy!!! How are you all doing? I sure hope you're taking notes because eventually... 10 years down the road, I'm going to need a lot of help!
Love you cuz!!!
you do some great baby-makin! :) He is absolutely adorable! You should see how proud Daniel is! He is so excited for his nephew! :) Hope we can see you guys sometime soon and meet this little guy! Love you guys!
What a handsome little guy! So sad that we get to watch our little ones go through painful stuff.
I still have extra clothes in my purse for Brynlyn... never ends!
Trystan is a cutie!!
P.S. I have a new blog.
oh Aubrey he is adorable, I feel for you I cried too on Jacksons circ day, I actually had to leave the room I was a mess. so I know how you feel. love all the pics of the little man, he is so cute. can't wait to meet him in person. love ya tons.
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