Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's a Boy!!!

On Tuesday we went to the doctor for our second trimester ultrasound. Mikie and I have been looking forward to this day since we found out we were expecting. Both of us were hoping for a baby boy! We would be happy with either of course as long as it was healthy, but it is totally up to us to carry on the Bellino name. I also thought it would be cool to have the first grandbaby on my side of the family be a boy and it would be the only grandson on Mikie's side of the family. The ultrasound tech measured everything and checked the baby all out first. Everything looks fabulous. Then she got this view of the baby and we were ecstatic to hear that we are having a Healthy baby boy!!!!! I know several of you have asked so below is a belly picture, sorry its headless I hadn't showered yet for the day but this is me at 17 weeks, or just over 4 months!


Andrea, Joey, & Jackson Mott

whoo-hoo!!!!! we love boys!! Jackson is so excited to have a little boy cousin to play with. congrats, I know that was an exciting day for both of you. i remember when we found out what we were having. we love ya and couldn't be happier.



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