I can't Believe my little one is Two already! It seems like I just had him yesterday. We love this sweet, sensitive, rowdy, rambunctious, train loving two year old! I braved it and took him to get his hair cut on his birthday. My heart sank when we walked into the salon and the only girl there was the one he made bleed the last time :( but I held my breath, crossed my fingers and bribed him with a new toy if he would sit on my lap and let the nice lady cut his hair. Worked like a charm!!!! He sat on my lap and didn't budge or make a peep!!! He looks so grown up without the shag hanging over his ears and nearly to his shoulders, my baby looks like a handsome little boy!! I was so proud of him...anyways onto the birthday festivities. On Trystan's birthday we just spent the day together! We went shopping and got some stuff for his party. My dad, sam and the girls came into town that night and Mikie and I got to work creating the train cake! I love the way it turned out, wasn't to sure how good it would taste though so I also made rice crispy treats!Saturday morning before the party, Trystan spent playing with his auntie's! They played racing games outside and played the Wii. The girls were holding onto Trystan shifting his weight on the wii fit board so he was acutally playing the games. He loved it!
Then we had his party at his favorite place...the park!Papa K and Trystan getting ready to play on the slides!
Peyton aka (baby) yes that is what Trystan calls her, but she calls him the same thing:)Brianna, Gracie Trystan, and Brynlyn posing for a pictureKaysen and Gracie!
I love this picture of Brynlyn and Trystan even though all you can see is the back of Trystan's head.Jason, Auntie, Chelsea, Auntie Cole, and uncle RichardGrammy and Trystan!Kylie, Trystan and Gracie going for a walk.The absolute only time Trystan sits at the table to eat is with Wyndee and the girls.Trystan and GracieTrystan and BrynlynBig boy doing the slide all by himself.
When we got to the cake, Trystan blew out his own candle, then took the train apart. He is concentrating so hard too, He sticks his tounge out when he is concentrating hard! mmmmmmm Chocolate! Attempt at a family photoAccomplishments:
I love this picture of Brynlyn and Trystan even though all you can see is the back of Trystan's head.Jason, Auntie, Chelsea, Auntie Cole, and uncle RichardGrammy and Trystan!Kylie, Trystan and Gracie going for a walk.The absolute only time Trystan sits at the table to eat is with Wyndee and the girls.Trystan and GracieTrystan and BrynlynBig boy doing the slide all by himself.
When we got to the cake, Trystan blew out his own candle, then took the train apart. He is concentrating so hard too, He sticks his tounge out when he is concentrating hard! mmmmmmm Chocolate! Attempt at a family photoAccomplishments:
We are down to Binki's at nap time and bedtime only!!!!
He says please and Thank you most of the time:)
He says please and Thank you most of the time:)
He knows and will tell us when he pees and poops...though he doesn't think using the big boy potty sounds to grand!
He now says Thomas clearly... before it came out as dumbass;)
He gives the best hugs and kisses, and I love it when he says "mama, hold you!"
He is playing alot more independently, which allows me to get a little more done around the house when I can get myself motivated.
Happy, Happy Birthday little Monster!!!! We love you
Happy Birthday!! so fun!!! and look how old Kaysen looks! Man time goes by fast!!!!
Love all of the pictures, thank your for sharing for all of us that can't be there. He is so sweet and does give great hugs, even to Aunt Margene! Love you guys.
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