Why do I dread taking my little one to his well visits..I know they are important and that shots are important but they are stressful appointments for me. At his 18 month appointment I got copies of his growth chart stating that he had fallen below the 5th percentile for his age in both height and weight with a lab order for failure to thrive blood work. Failure to thrive I think not... on the small side yes, the kid goes a hundred miles an hour from the second his little eyes pop open to the minute he falls asleep. No he doesn't eat well either, can he eat yes he knows how to use utensils and does it well, but he is too busy to eat. He only likes low caloric foods such as fruit and he eats it is on the go! He loves loves loves his milk most days so at least he gets some nutrients from that, we try new things all the time, and always put things he does like on his plate along with the new stuff, he just refuses to eat. He eats on average pretty good about once every 5 days. Fast forward to 2 year well visit today, "Mom we are concerned as he is still off the growth chart, I want to send him to a gastointerologist for a complet GI work up. I know we did blood work 6 months ago (which must have come back normal because nobody ever told me otherwise) but I think we should run some more tests. How's his appetite?" see above statements. "Depending on what the GI doctor finds we may send him to an endocrinologist to check growth hormones and do some x-rays and bonescans." We like to see kids in the 50th percentile. Deep down I don't feel there is anything medically wrong with Trystan, but we like to make sure before we say he is just going to be little as it is part of his gene pool." Trystan has gained 10oz and grown and inch in 6 months. I'm grateful he is gaining weight, and I guess I should be grateful they want to check everything out, but instead I just get frustrated. They did all of the same tests on me and my little sister. Meanwhile the entire time we are in the doctor's office Trystan is saying done go home mama, I done with giant crocodile tears rolling down his cheeks.... then of coarse we get shots! Trystan screamed bloody murder, ripped the bandaids off his legs and stuck them onto the medical assistance hand and told him no, go! I always feel like I am to blame when I leave the doctor's office, I hate that my little one doesn't eat well, but its not because we don't try!!!!!!!! Then they told me it was time to take him to the dentist as well. He made the cosmotologist bleed (though I'm pretty sure I mentioned this last time was a complete success)! But wish me luck holding him down for all of these other tests, plus the dentist!!! Sorry for the rant, but sometimes it is necessary to vent the not so exciting moments of our lives.
PS: if anyone has any great ideas or receipes for kids please share!!! I'm fresh out:)
6 years ago
I totally understand!!! I have just started making 2 meals at each sitting. one for the adults and one for the kids.
i usually make sure there is a grain, protien, fruit, and dairy at each meal for them. even if that means they eat jelly/honey sandwiches, raisens, cheese sticks, peanuts, and water/milk for lunch and dinner for a week. thats what they will eat so i give it to them. then I introduce "new" stuff at snack time. if they choose not to eat snack thats fine atleast they eat at meal time.
and they have to sit at the table to eat. if they dont want to eat thats fine but then they have to sit till im done, so they learn to let thier bodies sit during meal times. hope this helps!!
dont worry it will all work out! Youre a GREAT mom! Dont let a Dr. make you feel less than you are. You are taking great care of your son! (sorry it was so long)
WOW! I just read this and am MAD at your Dr! My kids barely made the 5-10% mark and they never once got worried or mentioned all these expensive tests. Have they not noticed you or your hubby? You guys aren't exactly on the 50% mark either. 5% is FINE. Evan wasn't even on the charts. We just have skinny kids. NOTHING is wrong with that. If your kids is acting normal and running around all the time they need to take that into consideration. Just feed your kid ANYTHING he will eat like Jessica mentioned.
And as for the dentist...Most dentist don't want to see kids until they are at least 3 unless there is a problem. And even then they don't really do much. Just talk to them about brushing. Your Dr. makes me mad.
Oh, and I was going to say that we don't do well check ups. You can get the shots at the county health office for cheaper and you don't have to deal with over worried doctors.
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