Tuesday, November 25, 2008
My Little Buddah Baby!!!
So Anyway, I should get more pictures of the baby in a couple of weeks, but here is the latest Belly shot at 32 weeks and 3 days. I am 42 inches around! And my theme Song goes something like this: Weebles wobble but they don't fall down Weebles are around, Don't fall down Weeble wobble, Weeble wobble,Weeble wobble,Weeble wobble, Weeble wobble, Weeble wobble, Don't fall down. The Nickname (Weebles) came from my father-in-law and my dad named the theme song!!!!! They are so funny!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
For the Love of Feet!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Coming into the Homestretch.... I hope!
1. I can't breath..... Trystan is growing like crazy and its just going to get worse from this point on He is pushing, rolling and kicking my diaphragm compressing my lungs and not allowing them to expand completely, its even worse when I am laying down!
2. I can't sleep.... My options are the left side or the right side I have to wake up to roll from one side to the other, I just get comfortable and I have to get up and pee! Joy, Joy, did I mention a crane would be helpful to help me rise from the bed to get to the bathroom because just getting up takes some serious effort. When I actually do get to sleep I am so sore from laying in one position when I do wake up my shoulders and hips are killing me!
3. I can't walk... my feet are swollen, my knees ache and my hips pop! The extra weight is not my friend I would make a horrible fat person! My father in law was teasing me the other day after mikie told him I can no longer scrub our shower and tub.... he started calling me the weeble wobble. So true I feel like a weeble wobble!
4. I can't bend over... I think it took me at least 5 minutes to get socks on the other day and getting my tennis shoes tied is nothing shy of a miracle! I also can't reach small items in the bottom of my washing machine! I am too short and with Trystan growing rounder and rounder every day I can't lean over far enough to reach the stuff in the bottom of the washer!
5. Kick counts... My doctor has me counting kicks in the morning and at night. Trystan has been a pretty good boy with these kicks and faithfully does his 10 kicks in the morning in about 8 minutes while daddy gets ready for work. At night he has been pretty good to, but the last couple of days his movements have changed....He is still moving very well, but they are more controled movements and I can feel lots of body parts. He is constantly trying to kick out my left side! To the point it is a little sore. I can push on his little body parts and he sucks them back in such an odd feeling! I have serious alien movement going on now too.... My entire stomach shifts, jumps and rolls as he moves around!
6. Braxton Hicks... These are so much fun and I have had them for a couple of months most of the time they just feel like trystan is balling up for a second, but now I am having them more frequently and they are getting stronger sometimes my stomach is so hard I can barely walk. They never last very long and are very sporatic but they are always followed by a few good jabs, a roll and a hard kick or stretch as Trystan tries to create more room for himself again!!!!!!
7. Its easier to get up than it is to get down... It may take me a few minutes to get myself up off the floor or out of the tub, but getting down is much more complicated. In fact it has turned into more of a controlled fall kind of comical to watch though!
8. Restless Leg syndrome... My legs ache all the time especially at night. I feel like I could run a marathon... not literally of course but I can't keep my legs still. I've been doing lots of stretching and trying to walk a lot throughout the day and this helps a little but most nights I still feel that chopping my legs off is my best option!!!!!!!
Sorry for all the complaints but this is my day to day life these days! Every day brings new challenges and experiences! I am so excited to be a mommy and I am getting very anxious to hold our little monkey in my arms instead of in my tummy! I think mikie is equally excited and maybe even more so than I am! I know he is looking forward to being able to bond with his son! I also have to add before I go that I have the most incredible, supporting, loving husband in the whole entire world! He has been a great sport through this whole pregnancy thing. He has been great at putting up with my ups and downs, and I have loved that he has wanted to be involved as much as possible with the pregnancy. He is going to be a great dad! I am so excited for the next step in this adventure.... I just have to make it through the next 7-10 weeks first!