So this summer has been incredibly busy and I am seriously greatful it is almost over!!!!! But we have had lots of fun. We have been out of town every weekend since we got back from Hawaii and I am done!!!!! The weekend after we got back I headed to St. George for my cousin's bridal shower. I spent the night and had some girl fun with the fam. The weekend after that we headed to Ely for Debi's family reunion. We cooked, and cooked, and cooked some more all went well and we were all greatful that was done and over with!!!! The following weekend it was off to Salt Lake for my little brother's wedding!!!!! Daniel and Ashley were married on Saturday August 2, 2008 in the bountiful temple! I can't believe he is married!!!!! But his new bride seems to be a perfect match for him. We spent the weekend at Uncle Don and Aunt Nanny's where they spoiled us rotten and fed us remarkably well. It is a good thing we weren't staying more than a couple of days because I could have gained at least 20lbs! But it was great to see them and we had a great time. On the way home from Salt Lake we stopped in Richfield and picked up my two youngest sisters for the week. We had so much fun, and they were so good!!!!!
On Moday we went and picked up my dogs from the Animal Hospital where they had been boarded for the weekend. Smokey laid on the couch with Brianna all day! He almost died yet again while at the animal hospital!!! Last year he had a really bad allergic reaction to one of his shots, but we had no idea which one. He was due for shots again while he was at the hospital so I told them to just go ahead and give them to him while he was there and made sure they knew about his previous reaction. They premedicated him with benydryl before the shots, but he still had an extremely bad reaction! They called me in Salt Lake to inform me of the reaction, they had shaved both of his front legs, started an IV, were pushing fluids, benydryl and a dose of dexamethosone. Two days of IV fluids later and countless amounts of benydryl, not to mention an outrageous vet bill our little man was on his way to recovery!!!! He was pissed at us though, I guess it's good my little sisters were here to love him. On Tuesday morning we went to the free family movie at the rainbow promenade with my cousin wyndee and her little girl brynlyn. Then after the movie we met up with my stepdad and other two sisters before they flew out and had lunch!!!!
On Wednesday I took the girls to little pastry chef's where they both chose to decorate cakes!!!!
This place is so cool, and relatively reasonable. The kids can choose to do sugar cookies, cupcakes, cakes or even pizza's. They get to use their immaginations and decorate goodies however they like, and the best part is the mess stays there!!!! The girls that work in there are really cute with the little ones as well!
On Thursday we went swimming and played at the park with Wyndee and Brynlyn! Brianna loved the water slide and finally went down without the tube and then swam all the way to the other end of the pool.
After swimming we went back to Wyndee's and fixed some lunch then headed to the little park right there in worthen circle. Brianna found the zipline and absolutely loved it! The kid has some serious upper body strength and stayed on better than all the boys do!
Gracie and Brynlyn liked the little marry-go-round thing! We had a great time but the girls were wiped out after swimming and playing so hard. We went home showered and the girls watched TV on my bed while I took a nap, I was exhausted too!!!!!
My Dad came to pick the girls up on friday and they headed to st. george for Jess and Nate's Wedding. We got up early saturday morning and headed out. It was miserably hot for pictures at the temple. I don't think I have ever felt St. George's as Muggy as it was Saturday Morning. However, Jess looked absolutely gorgeous! The whole day was fun filled wedding. After pictures at the Temple we went to their luncheon. Then Mikie and I went out to My aunt and uncles until the reception. They boys played golf on the wii and had a great time. At 5 we went out for the ring ceremony and reception.
My Step mom made their cake and did a beautiful job as always! She hates to do them and they make her a nervous wreck, but she never dissappoints!
Everything turned out beautifully, but I was done by the end of the day. Mikie and I were done with being out of town and were more than ready to get home. I told the bride goodbye and headed out!!! In this picture of the two of us you can kind of see the baby bump! It is definantly there!!!! In fact this coming weekend me and the girls, my two older sisters, Andrea and Niccole and my other mother Debi are going maternity shopping!!!!! Bring on the elastic baby!!!!