Sunday, September 30, 2007

Girls Night Out

Flor Turned 24 on Saturday! We all agreed that as nursing students we should go out more often to relieve the stress from school. We had a blast. It has been a long time since I stayed out till almost 4 o'clock in the morning. I think I am still paying for it!!!!!! It was a little rough to get up for clinicals at 4:30 this morning, but even though I am exhausted it was totally worth it!!!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Crappy Day

So I walked out of school yesterday morning to find that some Jackass had smacked into my car! Of course they didn't leave a note or anything. Just my freaking luck I guess!!!! People are such inconsiderate Jerks. Totally frustrated and annoyed. Guess I will be taking it to the shop to get it fixed hopefully sometime next week!

Monday, September 10, 2007

So Happy Together

Love of my life...... Don't know what I would do witout him.

Besties for Life

Although it is odd to the rest of the world that there is 18 and 20 years between us these are two of my very bestest buds!!!!! Best friends for now Sisters for life!!!!

Grandpa's Girls

Grandpa with some of his granddaughters. There are several missing. What a good looking group

Fifty Years What an Accomplishment!!!!

The Flower Girls

Lindsey, Gracie and Brianna thought it was very cool to get to ride in the buggy with grandma and grandpa to the ceremony. Gracie and Brianna were the little flower girls. What a kodak moment

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

After the ceremony we hung out with the family. My cousin Jess and I took lots of pictures and had fun goofing off. Aren't we hot!!!!! LOL

The wedding Cake

Sam made Gma and Gpa's wedding cake and did an amazing job! I tired to get her to do mikie and I's but she refused. It makes her a nervous wreck to do wedding cakes!!!!!!!

Grandpa Davis

On Saturday September 08, 2007, we went to Kanosh Utah for my grandma and grandpa's fifthieth, yes fiftieth wedding anniversary. My Grandpa bought an old amish buggy and horse to carry him and grandma down to the church for the ceremony. He makes a pretty good lookin cowboy driving that buggy

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Back to the Grind

Well, school has started once again. I am so excited I only have two semesters left. Count down to graduation Yay!!!! So far I am loving my classes. I got to experience the NICU the other day and completely fell in love with it. I called Mikie when I got home and told him this semester was going to torture me to death being that I am incredibly baby hungry. Mikie finished his Application to get his PE stamp so hopefully we will be hearing back on that before to long. Deer Season is just around the corner so Mikie and his dad are getting pumped for that and I think while they are gone the girls are going to go for some spa time!!!! I will definantly be ready for it come the end of October.