Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Halloween and Ghost meets Bedrail!!!

A few Halloween pictures!! Trystan spend almost the entire day dressed as optimus prime! He was hilarious trick or treating and feels it should be a daily event. He walked up to one house rang the door bell and started pounding on the door saying trick or treat... open the door:0
He refused to touch pumpkin guts, and I was not much of a fan this year myself:) especially since the big one was rotting before we cut into it!
I did carve the face on Trystan's pumpkin! Kind of silly just like him!
Then we let the moster work who did a two sided pumpkin scary face and mummy.

We had cousins come play last month and they had a blast! These kids miss one anther!

Trystan and Brynlyn had a great time sword fighting:)

Then we had the ghost and bedrail inscident. Trystan was in his room playing ghost with a blanket over his head, tripped over a stuffed monkey and met his bedrail with his eye! After screaming for an hour, cleaning up lots of blood and having grandma come look to see if we needed stitches Trystan fell asleep on my lap with a cold was rag on his head. He remained there the rest of the night. I woke him up every so often to check his eyes we were good there no concussion, but I was not aloud to move... AT ALL. If I shifted my weight he freaked out, If mikie tried to touch him he told him to go away. I asked him to sit up at dinner time so I could eat and he told me he couldn't, I asked him to hold the wash rag to his own head, he told me his arms were broken and followed that with and so are my legs...LOL!!! So for about 8 hours I had a completely helpless injured little boy that only wanted mommy!
His eye healed really well and turned some really pretty colors over the course of a couple of weeks! We have not played ghost since.