Future Doctor??? Maybe! Trystan loves to play with my stethascope. I never let him cause I never know even though I clean it routinely, what is growing on it. However, somebody stole my stethescope at work a few weeks ago I had to buy a new one;) Trystan loves to listen to his heart beat and his belly talk. Then he has to listen to mine and daddy's as well. He has been sick for two weeks off and on. two weeks ago today he threw up all night long then was fine for three days then puked all over again last tuesday, and then complained off and on for the last week that his belly hurt. Mikie's mom and dad watched him last weekend and Mikie and I had a mini staycation. We stayed at the Redrock for two nights, went to eat at our favorite places and went shopping and actually got to look at stuff:) it was fabulous! Trystan still wasn't feeling fabulous and was afraid he was going to throw up, so grandma wrapped him in a towel just in case! A week later and he is all better he still won't sleep with a blanket or go anywhere without the towel. He didn't want to ride in the truck cause he had puked in it and he still has issues laying in his bed as he puked there too! I hope this passes soon. He did finally start eating again yesterday:)
The Binky Fairy came yesterday and took away the Binky! Mikie and his dad are hunting and I have 8 days off from work so it was time. I have been telling Trystan for about a month that the binky fairy was going to show up and take his binki's to the new babies that needed them. So yesterday the Binky Fairy dropped off this special monkey for snuggles at nap and bedtime for my big boy and took the binky's away! I am so proud of him. We have only had two meltdowns for the binki's and they have only lasted about three minutes! He loves his monkey and tells me that his binki's are with the new babies now. The Monkey is sitting on top of the towel we can't go anywhere without.
Trystan and his new bestest buddy!
This kid has faked sick to try and get out of soccer and he is only 2
He wants to go to school and ride the school bus
He begs me not to go to work some days
He is such a Mommy's boy when he does not feel well
He calls me babes
We still go to the GI specialist...grrrrr!
Every time we go to the store he asks for toys. When we say that is two big he replies maybe christmas... His christmas list is rather long already.... and he doesn't forget anything.
He reminds me daily that Santa is busy making toys for him.
He is dressing himself and getting pretty good at it.
He loves to help in the kitchen
He swims underwater like a fish
He still refuses to take his own shirt off. He gets frustrated in 0.2 seconds attempting to get one arm out of the sleeve so he can get the rest of it off
At soccer class he picks up the cones and puts them on his hands and does a three sixty making shooting noises...yes it is embarrassing as my 2 year old is the only one that turns soccer cones into guns.
He gets mad at Mikie and I playing trains or spider man with him because we don't play right and he has to show us how!
Oh i love it!!!!! What a cutie- he is ALL BOY!!!!
So cute i love it!!!!!
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