It has been forever since my last post!!! Sorry. I haven't taken many pictures either, but hopefully the videos will work. It's finally starting to get hot here, not that I am excited about it, but we are way behind as far as vegas weather goes. Of course that means its too hot to go to the park and play so I have found some other fun places for us to hang out this summer. On Mondays Trystan and I attend a parent child Soccer class! We both have a blast. The do a series of games that each last 5 to 8 minutes the class is only an hour long and perfect for the toddler attention span. We kick balls, build castles with cones and kick them over, make choo-choo trains, play red light green light (trystan's favorite) do stretching exercises, stomp on bubbles, and get stickers. I am so glad I signed him up. There are only 5 kids in his class and almost all are boys. Sorry NO pictures of soccer class.
Then I got a membership at a place called Kinderland cafe. Love It!!!! It is an indoor play area for infants and kids under 6. They have ball pits, slides, trucks, blocks, stories, puzzles, trainsets, big bouncy balls, a mini toddler coaster etc. Usually the kids in there are about Trystan's age and younger. We go there two to three times a week. Parents have to stay, but they provide free Wifi and have great coffee and snacks.
We have been hiking and played in the water, but it is too hot for that now, so I bought a little pool and we spend time outside in that or we go to the big pool at the YMCA! We are looking forward to a camping trip the end of July and San Diego in September. I will try to be better about taking picutres but for now here are some cute videos!!!
Madi was watching the videos with me and she said: "ha, that guy's funny", "what a cute boy"
Jut thought you should know he is loved by ALL!
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