So my cousin Wyndee watches Trystan part of the day while we are at work and gave me a CD of all the pictures she has taken since she started watching our little racer! These pictures were too cute not to post...Infact there are many that need to be posted, but I am too lazy to wait for blogger to upload them all right now. This kid LOVES cars, trucks, and of course 4-wheelers! He is such a boy...and wants to "go, go, go, go, go," all the time. Just ask him he'll tell you!!! Thanks Brynlyn for sharing with Trystan and letting him play in your car!!!! Thanks for all the fun pictures wyndee! I need your email address again so I can email you some pictures;)
Life is hectic at our house but I am LOVING day shift!!! and even more so LOVING MY SLEEP!!!! I am exhausted when I get home, but my days go by so much faster. Mikie is wonderful and has dinner ready or almost ready when I get home!!! My in-laws and sister-in-law Are taking the little man in the afternoon when they get off work so that wyndee can keep her sanity and we are so grateful for everyone's support. Trystan is loving his days with Wyndee and the girls as well as time with his grammy, grammpy and Auntie!!!! So Thank You a million times over!!!! We love you all!
Trystan has perfected saying ball, and shouts it repeatedly whenever he sees one. His favorite seat is in the kitchen cupboard. He yells at the dogs just like Mikie and I. He has also perfected shouting "we go NOW" thank you grampy!!! LOL, but it is hilarious, My baby no longer looks like a baby but a little boy and I hate it!!!! The kid LOVEs chocolate (reeses peanut butter cups are a fav). Bath time is more of a bath for mommy and the floor! The slide he got for his birthday is the best ramp for his trucks and balls. Cloths are a nuissance and he discovered he can take his pajama pants off in bed...thank goodness for onsies or I am sure the diaper would be off too. He is so sweet, but has zero patients and can throw a wonderful temper tantrum....If it is the last thing I do as his mommy this kid will learn at least the slightest smidgeling of patients, that is my goal...wish me luck I have my work cut out for me!!!!