Monday, April 21, 2008

The Scoop

As of yesterday I am halfway done with my preceptorship in the NICU! Five down five more to go. I absolutely love the NICU. I have been reintroduced full force to the politics involved in nursing and forgot how much I "loved" them..... NOT. The politics are rediculous!!!!! But what do you do.... it is all part of the job. Mikie is working crazy long hours and is super busy! So much for working 4 tens. I don't even remember the last time we spent a whole day together hopefully life will slow down here pretty soon, however I believe it is just going to become a new kind of busy. I hopefully will be taking my board exam in June then I will be on the prowl for a job.... apparently not an easy task. We have Debi's family reunion the end of July up by Ely. Then we have a month worth of weddings in August! and to add to the chaos, now that school is almost over we are both anxious to start our family!!!! So to all who are wondering yes we are officially trying. I don't know who is more excited mikie, me or the littlest aunts to be. Gracie called me last wednesday just to ask if I was pregnant yet!!! The week before she had a dream we had a baby boy!!!!! (hoping this is great intuition) Then on Saturday I talked to her and brianna and they had made stuff for "baby tooty" (don't worry we will never rely on Gracie to name our little munchkins).They also love telling the old man- my dad- that he is going to be a grandpa!!!! We laugh, because my dad is so not ready to be grandpa..... well dad, Suck it up because hopefully it will be sooner rather than later! So to sum it all up graduation is just around the corner, Mikie is exhausted and needs a vacation, and with the prospects of hopefully having our home grow by two feet life is great! We are doing very well and looking forward to the next chapter in our lives!!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Love the Drunken Nights I will Never Remember with Friends I will Never Forget!!!

After two long years we have come to the end of the road! All that stands between us and graduation is 120 hours of on the floor experience!!! I will be working in the neonatal intensive care unit at the highest risk hospital in Las Vegas! I am a little terrified of the area, but am very excited for the learning experience of a life time. I have been done with the school part of school for a week and have loved having some free time. I finally figured out how to Digi Scrap and I am ADDICTED!!!! All of these pages came from our end of nursing school celebration! We went to margaritaville to let lose with the friends who have become family over the last two years! We know more about one another than we ever wanted to, we can finish one another's sentences, know what one another is thinking, and how to get one another through the rough times. We have learned together, grown together, changed together, ganged up and fought back together, cried together, and laughed together. We always have one anothers backs. I can't imagine not having each other to get through nursing school. We all did it, but we did it together! And to our families that have been so incredible, we are back! We are ready to take back our roles as wives, husbands, parents, sons, daughters and now nurses. We are all so lucky to have such great support systems...They have all risen above and beyond to keep life from literally falling apart at the seams! Thank you, thank you and thank you again! Congratulations nursing class of 2008!!!!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I am unofficially, officially done with NURSING SCHOOL!!!!

So our hellacious final was yesterday afternoon!!!!! I am officially, unofficially finished with nursing school!!!!!!!!!!! I still have to do my preceptorship which consists of 120 hours of on the floor experience, and I have one other blow off class that doesn't meet again until the 1st of may!!! So a few of us went to the bar after the final but the real party is on Saturday night. We will be going to margaritaville to get our drink on and boogey the night away. I will post more pictures sometime next week