Before I begin I have to say it is official..... Mikie got his Engineering stamp!!!!!! He is officially a professional engineer. I am very proud of him he has worked very hard to achieve this goal. His boss is also very excited that he can sign one of the major projects he has been working on.... Way to go baby!!!!
What is your husband's name: Depends on who you talk to at home he goes by mike or mikie at work he is Steve his official name is Steven Michael can be confusing.... he used to enjoy switching it up in grade school.
How long have you been married: almost 4 years
How long did you date before you got married: we dated 11 months and 6 days before we got engaged then got married on May 8th, 2004
Who eats more: Depends on what we are eating I can pack away some food!!!!!
Who said I love you first: Mikie
Who is taller: LOL have you met me.... Mikie by a little over a foot
Who sings better: This also depends on a day to day basis definantly me.... but if we are making up inappropriate songs mikie has me beat all the way
Who is smarter: We both have our areas of expertise
Whose temper is worse: HAHAHAHAHA hands down mikie!!!!!! Enough said
Who does the laundry: Usually me, but mikie does it once in a while
Who does the dishes: We do them together he washes I dry
Who pays the bills: Usually me unless mikie beats me to it
Who cooks dinner: generally mikie these days.... Either that or we cook together
Who drives when you are together: Mikie
Who is more stubborn: We both have our moments
Whose parents do you see the most: Definantly his.... mine both live in other states and his live in town. His family is fabulous though and I love the time that we get to spend with them
Who kissed who first: He kissed me!!!
Who proposed: Mikie proposed on Christmas Eve at his Mom and Dad's house in front of the whole family my dad, sam and the girls were there as well
Who has more friends: Probably me
Who wears the pants in the family: We share the pants!!!
Where did you meet your husband: Well the first time I remember meeting him he was wearing spider man PJ's at the condo in brian head.... we were both pretty little.... We were reintroduced officially on September 21, 2003 in his parents back yard at the 30, 40, 50 party. I have to add that before we were introduced I was introduced to the rest of his extended family as Andrea's (his sister) future sister-in-law
Where was your first date: We went to Viva's for dinner then to the movie just married after the movie we went and rode the big shot at the stratosphere and the roller coaster at the New York New York
Where was your first kiss: On my Dad's front porch
Where did you get engaged: His mom and dad's house
Where was the honeymoon: Cancun Mexico... we went for a week did a lot of shopping, went to tulum to the myan ruins there then went to Xel-ha and played in the water for the afternoon. We also went on a pirate dinner cruise!!!! ARRHHH
6 years ago
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