This kid is growing up so fast, I can't believe how time is flying by!! My days at home go by far to fast and my days at work drag on forever!!! To bad its not the other way around. We love to swim in the little pool in our backyard, well Trystan does. Mikie and I are shooting targets for the hose and spray bottles:)
Me and My bestest buddy!
This is what you get when a two year old finds his Halloween costume from last year and decides helmets are a good thing when driving like a crazy man!
Yesterday we turned Trystan's bed into a big boy bed!!! He loves it and has done so good with it so far. Once he's laying down he doesn't try to get up and he only rolled out once in the middle of the night last night! The kid is kind of a crazy sleeper.
Things I want to remember:
Trystan: mom how are you
Me: I'm good how are you
Trystan: Feel great;)
That he still wants me to rock-a-bye with him at bedtime
That he wants to be so independent that it drives me crazy, but deep down I love that he wants to do it himself.
He has the best imagination and plays so cute with his toys
He tries to do the dances on the backyardagins...hilarious to watch
He hides under his pillow every morning
The fireworks on the fourth of July scared him to death and we stayed up until 3am before he finally gave up, and the next two nights we went through it all again!
He loves spiderman and captain america just like his daddy did!
He will only drink his milk out of the blue and green sippy cup.