I let trystan play with playdough the other day for the first time! He wasn't too sure bout it! I had a hard time getting him to touch it at all. Then of course when he did all he wanted to do was eat it! Apparently he was not impressed with the taste either. I made a ball out of it and he threw it expecting it to bounce and then we made noses out of it! It was a fun 10 minutes and then he was done
I worked my last Graveyard shift on Tuesday night!!!!! I start on Day shift Monday and am SOOOO excited. Terrified a little, but so ready for a normal SLEEP pattern! Wish me luck!!! Here are a few more pictures of Trystan since thats all you guys get on here for anyway! He is getting so big, and growing up... I was sick last monday and started throwing up, he stood over my shoulder in the bathroom pointing at the vomit in the toilet saying ewww mommy, ewww then patted my shoulder and handed me some tissue, He is starting to help us clean up his stuff, and then claps for himself and says yay anytime he puts a toy in a basket, turns off the light, and closes a door. He says mom a lot more now and I love it! He will go throw things away if we ask him too as well!!!! His vocabulary consists of Mom, Dada, bum (ball), ah ah (off), Up, Go, NO, baaoon (balloon) Tanky (thank you). He understands high five and loves to give those out, we are working on not hitting mommy! He knows where his nose is and will point to it when you ask, He thinks his belly is his rib cage and points to that! And boy can we ever throw a temper tantrum, but he is such a sweet boy and has it down that when he is in trouble all he has to do is grab my leg hug it, kiss it and smile at me!!!!! This first picture is the devil smile, the second one is blurry because he hit me with the fourwheeler and I fell backwards just as I snapped the picture, the look on his face is the gottcha mom look!!!!