Monday, March 30, 2009

Family Pictures

On Sunday we finally went and had actual pictures of Trystan taken as well as a family picture. I was happy with the way they turned out! Trystan is a little flirt and was so good. When we got there he was a little grumpy so I thought we were going to have a hard time getting some good pictures. Boy was I wrong!!!! Here they are.


Jess and Nate

OH SOOOOOOOOOO Cute!!! What a little stud!!! They turned out so cute :)

Brandalee And Kade

HE is adorable!! I can't believe i haven't seen him in person yet... Good thing for pictures!!!

The Tophams

He is SO ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!!!!! I love your pictures! So fun! We're jealous we can't come down and visit you guys while mike and annie are there...hopefully someday we can come see you guys!! :)


Such Cute Pictures!!!!! How fun!


I love the pictures, Trystan is growing so fast, Torsten will be 4 months on Saturday, it will be fun to see all of the new babies together maybe this summer sometime. Love you guys,I would love a picture to put on my Wall!

The Olsens

So dang cute!!!!!! I love the one with is arm proped up under his head!!!!!


He pretty cute, you guys look great!

Andrea, Joey, & Jackson Mott

way cute family pictures and he is such a stud, look at him all laying there like such a big boy i love it.
Jackson and the bottle situation was no fun. I never got him to take a bottle and that is why I breastfeed for 16 months. When I went back to work Karen would bring him on my lunch breaks so I could breastfeed him. stubborn little poop. Eventually he took it from a water bottle like a grownup would, just the regular ones, not the sport cap ones. and them after that a sippy. It was nice to have to break him of a bottle though but horrible to go through all the worry of if he would starve when I was at work. It all worked out though. good luck